This is to ensure that Google- Motorola will not be the only option around to bring entertainment to the living room. Apple has integrated AirPlay to ensure the smartphone could stream music and video to the living room entertainment system whilst Google-Motorola will work closely to ensure this is achieved in the near future!!??
This gives the Microsoft reasons to acquire Nokia or RIM BlackBerry to have vast resource and patent available to have the technology to stream and even inside in car-entertainment system if feasible!!??
Nokia chief says Android makers should be wary of Google-Motorola deal
By Christopher Williams, Technology Correspondent
Last Updated: 11:51AM BST 18/08/2011
Nokia's chief executive has backed claims that Google's $12.5bn acquisition of Motorola Mobility could mean problems for other Android smartphone makers.
Stephen Elop, who earlier this year signed and exclusive deal with Microsoft so that Nokia smartphones will run only Windows Phone 7, commented on the implications of the acquisition for Samsung and HTC, Motorola's Android rivals.
"If I happened to be someone who was an Android manufacturer or an operator, or anyone with a stake in that environment, I would be picking up my phone and calling certain executives at Google and say 'I see signs of danger ahead,'" he said.
Independent analysts have also suggested that Google may give preferential treatment to Motorola once the acquisition is complete.
Google has however presented its move as one designed to defend all Android makers in the ongoing smartphone patent litigation war, in which they are being sued by Apple, Microsoft and Oracle.
Motorola holds about 17,000 patents and Google released statements from all its major Android partners welcoming the strategy when it was announced on Monday.
Mr Elop also claimed the all-cash deal vindicated his decision to work exclusively with Microsoft.
"The very first reaction I had was very clearly the importance of the third ecosystem and the importance of the partnership that we announced on February 11, it is more clear than ever before," he said.
Google's move has prompted renewed speculation that Microsoft could acquire Nokia or RIM, the maker of BlackBerry.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.